The fumigation services provided by EuroTest Inspection minimize the risk of damage to your goods by preventing the spread of pests.

We provide fumigation services, including the treatment of cargo loaded on ships, barges and containers prepared for navigation, in ports and logistics centers around the world. These services comply with severe national and international law, good practice and globally accepted quality and safety standards.

Our fumigation and pest management services include:

  • Fumigation of stored goods

  • Fumigation during or prior to transport

  • Disinfecting empty holds

  • Fumigation of cargo loaded on barges or other vessels, in containers, trains and carriages

  • Biocide treatment of goods

  • Measuring the degree of ventilation and absence of gas

  • Fumigation of packaged and bulk agricultural products (eg cereals, cocoa, coffee, peanuts, legumes, tobacco) in silos, tanks and warehouses.

  • Treatment of agricultural products against insects and mites

  • Quarantine wood and timber quarantine in order to obtain the Phytosanitary certificate